Sunday, May 22, 2011

Introduction to Everyday Talk

I mentioned a while back that I was going to read through this book by John A. Younts.  I was waiting a few weeks in case others wanted to join in but then it (like everything else) was forgotten for a while and I was tired.  Blah blah blah

We've had this book on the shelf for a while.  We both love to read and love to read all kinds of books, and we tend collect ones that we would like to read at some point.  At the time we bought this one I felt like it was not yet applicable to me-- Steven was crawling, I think.  That time is long past.  I need to be challenge in this area,  so I'm diving right in.

In the introduction, Mr. Younts describes everyday talk as everyday shoes.  They're basic, neutral, go-with-everything, and practical shoes.  They are not your Sunday best or special occasion shoes but "they get the job done."  Similarly we also have Sunday best talk as Christians; we smile, talk  pleasantly,  and have PATIENCE.  Ok, I'll admit that I probably do have more patience or tend to have a more positive attitude at church.  The problem is that everyday talk is much more important.  It reveals who we really are, and our children model our everyday talk because that is what they hear most of the time.  This made me slightly cringe; I was kind of hoping Steven would model my Sunday best talk.  =)

The foundational verse for this book comes from Deuteronomy 6:6-7:

These commandments that I give you today are too be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

I used to feel a little warm and fuzzy when I read this verse, because it is such a beautiful verse.  But, how do I do what it says?  Now that Steven is a inquisitive and insightful almost five year old, I feel my spiritual responsibility to him is enormous.  By everyday talk I will teach him our worldview, our ethics, our theology, and our relationship with God.  "God is not just a Sunday God; He is for everyday."  Do my daily actions reflect that?  No.  If I am having a really good day, I might get close.   Maybe.  Does that overwhelm anyone else?  I pray that this book will help me learn how to talk about God to my children.  Not in a forced- gotta-get-my-God-talk-in-today kind of way but in a natural conversation that continually flows.

I hope that some of you will join me in the discussion- please leave any comments or questions.  I have mostly entered for my own growth in this area but I hope that others will also be encouraged by it.



  1. Sounds like a good book. I am sure guilty of using Sunday talk with most people except my hubby. Now why is that? We don't have to be young and with little ones at home to learn from this.

  2. My book has also been sitting in my pile of books to read. (The pile that seems to grow bigger. I need to read faster)

    Can't wait to get started and then come back for the discussion!
