Monday, April 11, 2011

We're baack!

I find myself in a bit of an awkward position.  I was led to greener pastures by Apple’s promise of a bigger, more user-friendly website.  I thought that it would enable me to post more pictures, but now I admit to being disappointed throughout the entire relationship.  Being able to post one picture per post is not especially motivating for me to blog since that’s all I blog about these days.  I feel like I’ve lost the opportunity to record so many things that have happened the last 2 years, so it’s time for a change.  No more regrets (that’s my new motto).  Picture me groveling in front of Blogger, begging him to take me back.  Best-Of-Days is back on blogger; it feels good to be back.


  1. YAY! It looks fantastic - I love the background and your header is perfect. Well done, my red-headed sister-in-love! ;)

  2. Very cute! Blogger has made some changes that I think make adding pictures even easier then before. Looking forward to seeing what is up in James and Steven's world!

  3. Looking forward to seeing more pictures of you and the boys! Miss you guys!

  4. Love it. I set it up so Ma and Pa can click it on. They check them all out weekly. So now you will have to keep it updated with lots of pictures!

  5. Thanks for the encouragement everyone! Brenda, that it one of the reasons that I changed. =)
