Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day-After-Christmas Christmas

As I mentioned in the last post, we decided to have Christmas with Mimi and Popo (& Co.) on Monday so we could have the whole day together.  The newest addition to the cousin clan is baby Josh who was born on December 14.  Since he had to spend several days in the NICU, this was the first time we actually got to hold him.  8 cousins total- all ages five and under- makes for a lively time.  It was a blast!

 All 8 cousins with Mimi and Popo  

 Mimi and Popo bought the kids motorcycle jackets and hats while they were on vacation at the end of the summer.  So of course we tried to get a picture of them all together in their jackets...and the hats.  James was the least cooperative.  In fact, I think we cured him of ever wanted a leather jacket or a motorcycle which makes me very happy.

 James gave Santa a big smile and walked right up to him at first, but he was NOT going to sit on his lap.
 Earlier in the week, I had pointed out a man dressed as Santa, and Steven who was very put out with me said, "Mommy, Santa is not real."  He did, however, enjoy Santa Popo quite a bit for someone who doesn't believe in Santa.  Uh huh.  I told him it's fun to pretend.      


 Steven and Saige (the oldest cousins) play with someone else's present.
 James and Nick (10 days apart) playing paddy cake with Mimi.  I think it's hilarious that Nick put the Mr Potato Head glasses on himself and left them on for a long time.  James had to be the inspiration there.  Can you tell that James loves music?  Unfortunately, the only time he doesn't care about it is when we are taking pictures.  I snuck these in.

 Giving Josh some welcome-to-the-family love.  We are so thankful he is happy and healthy!

 James giving his new puppy some love 

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