Friday, December 16, 2011

Merry Christmas to All

We have a lot of family and friends.  We add more every year which we see as a huge blessing, but that means my Christmas card list grows every year too.  And I LOVE sending out Christmas cards.  So inevitably every year I get a "how many Christmas cards are we sending???" from Charlton.  I always defend myself by saying that I want all our friends to see the pictures of our beautiful children.  However, this year Charlton very correctly pointed out that almost everyone we know sees pictures of the boys regularly on face book so it wasn't necessary to send out a lot of cards this year.  He got me with that one.  So in an effort to cut back but still keep my tradition of sending Christmas cards,  we only sent them to family.  But, I am posting our Christmas card here (I admit that's cheating a little) for everyone else to view.
Our family wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and happy New Year!